Thursday, November 29, 2012

How We Got The Bible

By Pastor Bruce K. Oyen


     Have you ever wondered how the Bible came to be written? Do you know the history of its composition? Do you know what its original languages were, and on what it was written? Do you know how it was preserved over many hundreds of years, so that it is available to us now, in the year 2012? Do you have other questions related to how we got the Bible?
     These are very important questions, worthy of our serious consideration. I have read other books and articles on this subject, but the book by Neil Lightfoot is especially interesting and informative. It is called "How We Got The Bible." Some books are so long, readers are hesitant to read them. Not so with Lightfoot's book. It is long enough to be helpful, but short enough to be readable in a reasonable length of time. The charts and pictures bring the subject to life.
      What follows is a link to one source for this book. It enables us to look at the table of contents, and to read some of it. These things will help you decide whether or not to get the book. But I hope you do get it, and then read it! Here's the link:

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