Monday, December 10, 2012

What about America's "Moral Cliff"?

By Pastor Bruce K. Oyen

America's "Financial Cliff"
    We Americans have heard much for many weeks about America's "financial cliff." We are understandably concerned about what will happen to us as a nation if we don't come up with a solution to our financial problems very soon. It is a fact that disaster is not far down the road.
America's "Moral Cliff"
     But we have an even more serious problem than this one. We could call it America's "moral cliff." The sad reality is, we have already gone over this cliff. Many Americans have abandoned moral absolutes in favor of moral relativism. The evidence of this abounds. But consider only two examples. First, many Americans now accept homosexuality as an acceptable way of life. Maybe not for themselves, but for others. President Obama has jumped off the moral cliff by his acceptance of gay marriage, and has influenced others to jump off with him. The Bible, which is the Word of God, says a lot against homosexuality, and tells us the result of this sexual perversion. Read, for example, what the Bible says in Romans 1:18 - 32. Second, many Americans now accept abortion as a means of birth control. They have lost their sense of the dignity and sanctity  of human life prior to birth. So, they reason, if someone doesn't want to be pregnant they should simply get an abortion. To read an example of how the Bible endorses the dignity and sanctity of human life, including human life still in a mother's womb, read Psalm 139.
There Is Divine Help At The Bottom Of The "Moral Cliff"
     Like I said, we have already gone over this cliff. But even though we have crashed at the bottom of the cliff, there is a way out of the disaster in which we find ourselves. We can admit to ourselves and to God Almighty that we have brought this upon ourselves, and ask his forgiveness. He will grant us forgiveness, and an opportunity to start over, so to speak, if we will accept his Son, Jesus Christ, as our Lord Savior. Forgiveness can be found only through Jesus Christ. He died for our sins, was raised again from the dead, and offers salvation to anyone and everyone who will accept it on his terms.
    To learn more about Jesus Christ, read the Gospel of John in the New Testament portion of the Bible. A reliable translation of it in modern English can be found in the New King James Version. If you want to read why we all need salvation, and how it can be received at once, click on the following link:

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