Saturday, January 19, 2013

Are Dead Birds More Important Than Dead Babies?

By Pastor Bruce K. Oyen

     Are dead birds more important than dead babies? This question came to mind because of the news reports about  four bald eagles that recently were found dead here in the state of Washington. I have seen pictures of these dead birds on the TV, in the newspaper, and on the internet. They seem to have been killed for the fun of it. Their deaths were illegal.
     But the amazing thing is that here in the USA it is ILLEGAL to kill bald eagles, but it is LEGAL to abort/kill unborn children. When did you last see, hear, or read that a major news source reported the grim statisitics about this subject? Something is seriously wrong when we get more worked up over dead birds than we do over dead babies.
     Here is a link to an interesting article on the subject from a Southern Baptist writer:

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