Friday, April 5, 2013

Why Is There Now So Much Acceptance Of Homosexuality?

By Pastor Bruce K. Oyen

Homosexuality becoming more common
      Quite regularly, it seems, we hear of another well-known person announcing he or she is a homosexual, or is a homosexual who is getting or gotten married. A weather man on a major TV network did so earlier this year (2013). And, we also regularly hear of other influential persons coming out in defense of gay marriage. President Obama is an example.
Common acceptance of moral relativism
      This has led to a question: why is there now so much acceptance of homosexuality, even by those who reject for themselves? The answer is simple: it is because there is wide spread acceptance of moral relativism. More and more persons live by the principle that there are few moral absolutes that apply to all persons in all times and under all circumstances. However, they generally have not thrown all moral absolutes to the winds. They have enough sense to know that if that is done, they will have to accept murder, rape, theft, lying, and all other behavior as acceptable, too. So, they pick and choose which behavior to accept and which to reject. At this point in history, moral relativists say murder is wrong, but homosexuality is right for those who like it.
Christians believe in moral absolutes 
     But if we had a set of moral standards that apply to all persons, in all times, and under all circumstances, how differently we would live our lives! Well, the fact is that Christians do have such a set of standards. And Christians do not consider these moral standards to have been dreamed up by one person. or by many persons, who then have attempted to govern the world by them. Rather, Christians believe these moral standards have been set by Almighty God, who has made them known to us in the pages of one book, the Bible, which they consider to be God's infallible Word in written form. And it just so happens that the Bible clearly condemns homosexuality a number of times. The Bible addresses this subject, as it does many subjects, in a way that it is beyond justifiable dispute that God considers homosexuality to be wrong for all persons, in all times, and under all circumstances.
Moral relativists will dismiss this view of homosexuality and the Bible.
     But for those of us who know the Bible is the Word of, we must accept what it says on this and any other subject subject. The Bible is the Christian's moral standard. We might not always live up to it, but we believe it is always right.
Read what the Bible says about homosexuality
     Those who want to read for themselves what the Bible says about homosexuality should start with the first chapter of Paul's letter to the Romans. He discusses the matter in verses 18 - 32. If you are new to the Bible, the index will help you locate this letter by Paul.

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