E-mail: bk_oyen@hotmail.com
If we want to know the true account of the origin of the universe, including our own origin, we must turn to the Bible for infallible information on the subject. The first two chapters of the Bible's first book, called "Genesis," tell us that the universe came into existence by the power of Almighty God, not by the processes of evolution, not even by the processes of what is called "theistic evolution."
Theistic evolutionists tell us that God brought the universe into existence over long periods of time. But that is not what the Bible teaches. I have read the Bible from cover to cover more than 50 times, and I know firsthand that one of its most dominant themes is the miraculous origin of the universe. As an example, read Acts 4:23 and 24. There is not a shred of evidence in the Bible that its authors believed in anything other than the Genesis account of God's creation of all things. The Lord Jesus Christ himself affirmed the truthfulness of the first chapters of Genesis, we are told in the 19th chapter of Matthew's Gospel. If we believe in him, we must believe what he believed on any subject, including this one.
If we believe in him, we must believe that God brought the universe into existence in a short period of time. That is, in six 24-hour days. Jesus Christ did not question the book of Genesis. He affirmed its reliability. In fact, he affirmed everything in the Bible that sceptics question.
Some readers might think to themselves: "God brought the universe into existence in six 24-hour days? Come now!" But it would better if we had the attitude of a young boy who was visiting about this with his young friend. He said to his friend, "God created the world in six days? In six days? Why did it take so long?"
The Independent Fundamental Churches Of America, International, is one of many organizations that dogmatically affirm belief in the Biblical account of the divine and miraculous origin of the universe. All Christians should do the same. Here is the IFCA, International statement:
1994 - Santa Rosa, CA
WHEREAS, the evolutionary theory has so pervaded our society that those who hold to a literal
six twenty-four hour day creation are often regarded as being intellectually simplistic,
uninformed, and unscientific; and,
WHEREAS, this attitude has in many cases resulted in organizations, churches, and individuals
attempting to maintain respectability through their accommodation of evolutionary theories
claiming that creation took place over a long period of time; and,
WHEREAS, such accommodation violates the principles of literal interpretation of Scripture and
the doctrine of a verbal, plenary inspiration by shaping the scriptural record to harmonize with
evolutionary theory; and,
WHEREAS, such a violation can serve as the initial catalyst for doctrinal deviation and further
interpretational distortion;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the members and delegates present at the Sixty-fifth
Annual National Convention of the Independent Fundamental Churches of America meeting in
Santa Rosa, California, June 23-28, 1994, reaffirm our belief that the proper method of
interpretation is to take all Scripture in its natural and literal sense; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we affirm our belief in a literal six twenty-four hour day
creation as clearly taught by Scripture through the wording in Genesis 1,2 and as supported by
the rest of Scripture (e.g., Exodus 20:8-11; 31:17,18); and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that IFCA churches be encouraged to endorse this position in
their official church documents (e.g., doctrinal statement, constitution, by-laws, policy manual or
position paper); and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to Dr. Henry Morris and the
Institute for Creation Research along with a letter from the national executive director,
commending them for their sacrificial labor in promoting scientific biblical creationism.
Here is a link to the statement: http://ifcamedia.org/ifcaweb/docs/resolutions/1994-SantaRosa.pdf.