Monday, February 18, 2013

R. G. Lee On Calvinism

By Pastor Bruce K. Oyen And Pastor David R. Brumbelow

     Calvinism is a much-disputed topic among Christians. Perhaps its most controversial doctrine is called "limited atonement," by which Calvinists mean that Jesus Christ did not die to save everyone, but only those whom he has chosen to save. According to the few numbers of persons who become Christians compared to the general population, Calvinists must believe the Lord did not die to save very many. The odd thing is that Calvinists insist Jesus Christ died for them, specifically, even though they cannot point to one Bible verse that says he did so. They make a claim they cannot prove from the Bible. Here is an example of what I mean: Charles Spurgeon was one who believed in "limited atonement." But there is no Bible verse that says "Jesus Christ died to save Charles Spurgeon."  The only way we can prove from the Bible that he died for anyone is to cite verses that state he died for everyone. And several verses do just that. The article below refers to those verses. Because he died to save everyone, we can say he died to save us, specifically.
     Although I am not a Southern Baptist, I am aware of the fact that Calvinism is a hot topic among Southern Baptists. Some of them have documented the fact that many of their leaders have not and do not accept the doctrine of limited atonement. Southern Baptist pastor, David R. Brumbelow has done so in a recent posting on his blog spot. He gave me permission to post it on my blog spot. It is given below (in red). I think you will enoy reading other items on his blog spot. Here is a link to it:

R. G. Lee (AD 1886-1978) was pastor of Citadel Square Baptist Church, Charleston, South Carolina, First Baptist Church, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee (1927-1960). He served as president of the Southern Baptist Convention and authored numerous books. Lee was a conservative leader in the SBC. He was very evangelistic. Many of his sermons were published in the Sword of the Lord. I had the privilege of hearing and meeting Dr. Lee. Back in the day my preacher dad, Joe Brumbelow, called him, “The greatest living preacher.” Lee’s most famous sermon was, “Payday Someday.” 
Recently someone has referred to R. G. Lee numerous times as having been a 5-point Calvinist. I have no doubt Lee was a Calvinist, but what most would probably refer to as a Moderate Calvinist (or perhaps today a Traditionalist or a non-Calvinist, the descriptors vary). From the direct quotes below, it is obvious that Dr. R. G. Lee was not a 5-point or Strict Calvinist. Rather than Limited Atonement (Jesus died only for the elect), Dr. Lee believed Jesus died for all mankind. He could look any man in the eyes and say, Jesus died for you.

“Wonderful inclusiveness here, in the outstretched and encircling arms of the Christian Gospel - ‘to everyone.’ Nobody excluded. Everybody included.” -R. G. Lee, The Name Above Every Name, Christ for the World Publishers, Revell; 1938.

“There is no ground for boasting. The beggar who puts forth his hand and takes the gift can claim no credit. Believing is not in itself a virtuous act, a meritorious effort by which the sinner earns the favour of God. No, all boasting is excluded by the very freeness and simplicity of salvation which at the same time excludes all excuse from those who refuse or neglect it.” -R. G. Lee, The Name Above Every Name, Christ for the World Publishers, Revell; 1938.

“Just as there is universal guilt among men, so there is the universal offer of salvation from God…Repeatedly God declares that sin is universal, that no one escapes. Repeatedly, too, God declares the atonement to be universal. That does not mean that salvation is universal, for many will not be saved…God has done His part for man’s salvation, but man fails or refuses to do his part. That is the sum and substance of all excuses and objections. Man’s free and wicked will is the only barrier in the way of his salvation.” -R. G. Lee, God’s Answer to Man’s Question, Zondervan; 1962.

“Jesus died for all (2 Corinthians 5:15), gave Himself a ransom for all (1 Timothy 2:6), tasted death for every man (Hebrews 2:9), and would have all to be saved (1 Timothy 2:3,4). God put the iniquity of all on Jesus (Isaiah 53:6), wishes all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9), commands all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30), does not wish any to perish (2 Peter 3:9). God’s grace that bringeth salvation has appeared to all men (Titus 2:11). God teaches that whosoever believeth shall not perish (John 3:16).” -R. G. Lee, God’s Answer to Man’s Question, Zondervan; 1962.

On 2 Corinthians 5:21, “Meaning what? Meaning that on the cross Jesus became for you, for me, for every man, all that the holy and just God must judge that we, through faith in him, might become all that God cannot judge.” -R. G. Lee, Heart to Heart, Broadman; 1977.

“Jesus, by the sacrifice of Himself, could redeem as many fallen worlds as God has stars in His Heaven - because the infinite merit of the Son of God atones for the sins of the whole world.” -R. G. Lee, Great is the Lord, Christ for the World Publishers, Revell; 1960.

Some of my dad’s most prized possessions were his books by Dr. R. G. Lee. I would recommend any preacher, young or old, to get every book you can by Robert Greene Lee.

-David R. Brumbelow, Gulf Coast Pastor, February 17, AD 2013. 

1 comment:

  1. Bruce,
    Thanks for posting this. R. G. Lee was one of my favorite preachers.
    I enjoy your blog.
    David R. Brumbelow
